Open Access Journal

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Paper Format.

Please format your paper based on the following guidelines. However, if you have any further queries regarding the paper format, please send us an email.

  • Use two columns with 0.2 line spacing.
  • Apply 18 pt bold Times New Roman for the title.
  • Write all author names separated by commas after the title.
  • Write the institution name and author emails after the author names, separated by commas.
  • Use 11 pt Times New Roman font.
  • Apply 1.15 line spacing.
  • Use 14 pt bold Times New Roman for headings.
  • Use 8 pt after spacing for headings.
  • Apply 12 pt bold Times New Roman for Subheading-1.
  • Use 5 pt after spacing for Subheading-1.
  • Apply 11 pt bold Times New Roman for Subheading-2.
  • Use 3 pt after spacing for Subheading-2.
  • Use APA style for references.